Maria Assunta's original feast committee is as follows:

Salvatore Faulise; President
Joseph Dimarco, Secretary
Antonio Italiano, Treasurer

Members: Nunzio Italiano, Salvatore Italiano, Joseph Miceli, Joseph Gindolfo, Santo Sposato, Antonio Domenico Blanda, Joseph Cataffo, and John Abbosso, Gaspare Tudisca, Antonio Faulise, Angelo Siciliano and Antonio Digangi.

This tradition and devotion to the Mother of Jesus Christ, through this feast celebration every August, truly demonstrates the love accorded to the Blessed Virgin. The Blessed Mother in many of her apparitions has declared her approval of processions to honor her.

For the first time in 1979, the procession had to be cancelled because of rain.

A tremendous effort of work and dedication goes into the planning and implementation of the arrangements leading up to the day of the celebration.

Over the years, the celebration has centered around a tradition of a special Sunday Mass and then taking the statue out of the church. After a brief ceremony, the procession begins marching through the streets with a band playing traditional music. Along the line of march, people stop the procession to give offerings in appreciation for favors granted to them by the Blessed Mother's intercession.

Everyone is invited to march along in this procession to pay homage to her assumption into heaven. Mary followed her son Jesus after his ascension and it is believed she departed from Jerusalem.

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